Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I was sick

       Two weeks ago, I was sick, I had a sore throat, fever and flu. The winter in Calgary is very cold for me and for this I was sick.  When i feel sick I need go to the doctor because I'm allergic to penisillin  and I don't take anything medice. In Calgary I bought a tylenol for flu, sore troat and fever but this medice is very slow and I was sick one week a half. Also, I drink a lot of water and my mom homestay cooked chicken and beef soup to me and I ate these. Now I'm feel better and I don't want to feel again. On the other hand, in my country when the people feel sick, they take a honey for sore throat and put vicks in their noise and shest when them have congestion in that. Finally, I think is better go to the doctor because he or she knows what is the good medicine to each patient.

PS. Thanks for everything and I will miss you!