Saturday, October 9, 2010

A lot of Money

Hello Everybody, I want money and if I won 10 million in the lottery, I would pay all debts of my parents and my brother to don´t have more concerns. After that, I would help to my parents to finish furnishig the house. I will pay my career and carer's my brother.
I would buy the next car:

Finally after doing all that, I  would open an investment account with the money and in the future to do good business with that money. I would don´t buy many things becausa for mi is better to invest the money and multiply for the future when I have a family or have problems.


  1. oh cool I like your ideas about your parents I think that it's the most important thing to do .. : ) kiss

  2. I'm glad to hear that you would help your parents. I'm sure they'd be happy to hear that!

    Corrections: "After that, I would help my parents to finish furnishing the house." "I woudln't buy many things because for me, it's better to invest the money..."

  3. I think that's good idea !!!! It's important to do something for each parents(^^)

  4. Alma it is fantastic car please give me only one day LOL ..
